Friday, September 25, 2015


When I was a Kid, I got constipated at some point. One time in particular that has been committed to Family Folklore and fond memory between myself and my Mom, I exclaimed after taking one of those "Bunny Poop" shits and called my Mom into the loo to examine my handiwork: "Look, Mom! I made Rabbits!" I must have been four years old or so, hadn't been hipped to the fact that rabbit babies only came from Rabbit Women and that it wasn't via anal delivery. My Mom still thinks it's "cute." I still think it's weird. I don't seem to have any sort of Adult Anal Fixation or anything so, it's cool. Walt Disney can keep his title belt.

I am Galaxies closer to my Mom than I ever was to either of my two Stepfathers. They were both Career United States Navy Musicians and were "gone" most of the time. Either off simply "working" or off on some Asian or Mediterranean Cruise, sitting in the Gulf of Tonkin on a Carrier, doing AFR Shows via radio, or whatever. My first Stepfather was the REAL Musician of the two, a Reed Player that was "good enough" to have been asked ("rewarded" is more like it.) to join the Navy National Band and be invited to spend a couple of years at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. He was also "good enough" to play dance music at the Biltmore Hotel in Colorado Springs (A pretty schmaltzy joint) later in life. He really liked Dixieland Jazz/Big Band Music and probably dreamed in musical notes.

I dream music all the time and I'm not even very good with my chosen instruments: Electric 6 string guitar and Lap Steel. I do "interesting things" with them but am Nobody's Pro. My Mom still wonders "why" I never turned Pro. I KNOW why I didn't. There was always Some Kid out there that could play better and faster. I'm not all that "competitive" when it comes to Art. That part has always seemed like some kind of Dick Measuring Contest where the prize is a bad hamburger or something. I just like making musical notes and compressed air do my Evil Bidding.

I currently own two instruments that actually play and one: "Ostensible Project Instrument."

A 1958/59 Magnatone Lap Steel Guitar (in Deep Emerald Green Pearloid) and an Epiphone Custom Shop 1957 Les Paul Junior (in TV Yellow finish and with a P-100 p.u.). The Magnatone was made in Los Angeles and the Epiphone in Korea. You don't want a Chinese Epiphone, by the way. The Chinese can fuck up an electric guitar like nobody's business. Even the Koreans have problems reading assembly schematics left to right. I had to have the ground on the pick up rewired after buying my LPJ. It "buzzed" in 60Hz Splendor every-time I lifted my hands out of contact with any metal on the guitar. My third instrument is a 1940's Magnatone/Dickenson Lap Steel that is a butt ugly slab of Redwood and a single "set in epoxy, twin magnet" pick up. I had to swap out the original turning machines for faux Grovers so it would actually stay in tune but, it has serious BALLS for days. I also have the heavily stickered Original Case for it. It was my Student Instrument. Purchased in a thrift store for $10.00. They didn't even know "what it was." "Some kind of weird guitar," they said. I knew exactly what it was and carrying it home, I was already writing a song in my head. It has needed a complete rewiring and electronics cleaning now for about five years. It might happen. Or, it will become: "Wall Art."

Like many Artists, I "work backwards" from a solution to the process of "Making Art." I think most Artists do. The act of creation is the tricky part, making IT look/sound/feel like the dream of the completed project.
It's a Mad Scientist Trick and, I assure you, is all done with "smoke and mirrors." Artists, of any kind, are the World's Best Charlatans and Pick Pockets. "Making Rabbits Out Of Shit From A Four Year Old's Ass (Preferably your own)." Start young and stick with it, Junior. Don't forget to wipe your ass when you're done. Make sure your Benefactor sees your handiwork, too.

As usual, I have no idea who won last night's Baseball Game because, I fell asleep during the contest. I dreamt the Hamburger First Prize for the San Francisco Giants. "Snot Rocket" Bumgarner was pitching. Having just checked the Giants' Stats Page, I see that we lost to Sandy Eggo, 4-5. That sucks. We can't afford to lose any games and not have an "E" (for "eliminated') next to the Team Name at this point. Last night's loss may have been the needle that broke the haystack. S.F. did play well though and that's The Main Thing. That and WINNING! Three World's Series Wins in 10 years? Not too shabby.  

I'm up at my usual, insanely quiet hour, drinking coffee from one of my Favorite Coffee Cups, smoking German cigarettes and watching some show on the National Geographic Channel about China's development. I've seen it two or three times before but, I don't care. It's better than Infomercials. I'll also, as per usual, go back to sleep after taking my morning meds and having coffee. Coffee doesn't "keep me awake" like it does most people. (Besides, being Retired, I don't "care" about time anymore. If you believe Einstein, like I do: "It's all relative.") I've simply drunk too much of the stuff in my 61 years. It does cause me to "Make Rabbits" though. Yes, you can expect allot of "Too Much Information" on this here blog thang. Something else I: "don't care about." It's MY Movie.

Everybody ought to have a Favorite Coffee Cup. I have a whole collection of them. Today's choice is a Boy Scouts Of America, "Redwoods Empire Council" cup. It's jet black, fits my hand and keeps coffee hot for awhile. I could drink good coffee out of an old boot and wouldn't care... So long as it was served in a nice atmosphere. It's kind of "muggy" feeling this early morning. The barometer says: "Cloudy."

I got the first of three Hepatitis A/B immunizations yesterday and I have a slight low grade fever (1-1.5 degrees higher than normal) and feel just a 10th of a bubble off of center. All I'm betting out of the deal is weird dreams. My regular body temperature is a full degree lower than most people's. Codeine and Amlodipine for breakfast, again. I also "hyper-extended" my left elbow yesterday, which is uncomfortable.  

Love and Near Misses,





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