Monday, August 17, 2015


I am "getting older." Maybe.

Today, I received a communication from my "Doctor," who is actually a Nurse, which is "better," in my book. I would far prefer to be seen by a Nurse than a Doctor, any day. I digress.

The "notice" was in regards to recent testing of my guts. Lower Abdominal Ultrasound Test, to be exact. Let's just issue a "blanket statement" here: "My previous lifestyle(s) are catching up with me." My Nurse wants to do some more tests. A CT Scan, to be exact. All that carousing and fast life shit is making itself obvious. I have some "gravel" in my gall bladder. Fairly "normal" for somebody my age, I suppose. She wants to see "how many" pieces of grist are in that mill. We already knew that my Liver is somewhat "fatty" and that my Pancreas may be involved as well. Too many booze parties as a younger man. Not Bukowski-esque type benders or anything but, a fairly steady diet of beers and shots over the years. The occasional week long spree while hanging out with the other Fish Morticians and the like. Hell, EVERYBODY in my generation drank too much and slept too little. And... smoked and had unprotected sex (until the 80's) and fucked around with drugs until the novelty wore off. Couple that with working around the Music Business and there ya' go. Health problems in later age.

So...CT Scan next, to determine "what's really going on" in there.

No music today. You have your own anyway.

I see a big Chef's Salad on today's menu horizon.



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