Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Robo-Calls, Junk Mail, Aggressive Sales People, Moonies, People That Spout Their Political Beliefs On Public Transit, In Bars or Churches, Idiots (in general) and The Hits Just Keep On Coming... I could go on for hours. I find most "Lesser Animals" (sic) to be more agreeable than Humans. "I Love my Hamster but hate my Neighbor." You know the riff.

Recently, I discovered that some telemarketer/scammer/phisher type had actually been able to hijack my "default phone number settings" in gmail auto-complete. What was the purpose of that action and how would it benefit someone else? I am going to guess: "It would allow a 'spoof call' to be made, through my machine without me knowing about it." Ha! I check my logs, Buck-o. I change settings and passwords, often. No slippery bastard is going to burglarize my emails (except, of course, The People I Voted Into Office or are engaged in Espionage or Surveillance for the Common Good.) and commit dastardly acts against my circuitry and/or Gray Matter. Well, that's probably "wishful" at best. I am thoroughly convinced that there is all manner of shit-trickery going on behind my LCD Screen.

I was, however, "concerned" when I found that I had an Auto-Complete # attached to one of my many "Profiles." Some A-Hole in Lost Angels had inserted it. I suppose the truth is, they were "bouncing" off of another number and were actually in Costa Rica drinking a Lime Ricky Don't Lose That Number on the beach.. I have received Spam phone calls from the same number. One that was threatening me as they pretended to be the IRS, was marginally creative. Humorous, since I have not, legally, paid taxes in about 25 years. I am "exempt" from paying them, period. I won't go into the "why" about that. You'll just have to accept it as: The Gospel According To Doc. Try scratching your head. It sometimes works for me when I have that "dog that doesn't 'get it' look on my face." Cock your head to one side while you perform this action, too. It does NOT work if you leave out any of the pieces. Kind of like a Jigsaw Puzzle.

Allot of people that I know have reoccurring "problems" with their computers. Mostly, I discover that these same people NEVER perform ANY of their routine "house keeping chores" on their machines. RAM clears, temp file dumps, defragmenting and optimization, malware scans, making sure their various anti-virus/malware/hijacking/ambiguous 2nd Users/Spyware, etc., apps. are currently functioning correctly and updated, scanning those very same apps., etc.. You get the picture. These people are either (a) Stupid or, (b) Unaware of said actions. "I remember MY first computer." Actually, it didn't belong to me. It was the property of Maui County Libraries. Either that or the Community College where I learned to do basic operation of something like Windows and Commodore 64 stuff. I'm dating myself, both chronologically and in general. "With a Schizophrenic, you're never alone." No, I'm not a Schizo. A loaf of bread has never invited me to go surfing or dance the Meringue. (OK, there was that ONE TIME outside of Minneapolis after a Grateful Dead Show...) I just like saying those words.

Apparently, I like saying LOTS of words. You know The Type...Willing to engage a Fire Hydrant in conversation regarding Schopenhauer's used Kleenexes and whatnot. Whaddya' got? Yea, we can talk about that stuff.

This morning's listening:

Wanna' Buy Francisco Pizarro's Prosthetic Leg?



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