Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Through Bein' Cool

I haven't been "Cool" for eons, it seems. Like I give two shits. Around here, "being cool" entails knowing all the dope lingo, a couple groovy local musicians (which there are, to be sure) and have that retro-Seattle Grunge thang goin' on wit' y'er Bad Self. Ya' gotta' have at least one bad tattoo, also. Maybe even some dead relative or Ex-Girlfriend's name plastered on your neck. Or, the local Area Code. That seems to be really popular, too. Fuck me, runnin'. Away.

Anyway. I have short hair now. I'm too Old to have long hair. Old Guys should simply realize that long hair is something you do while your hair is still thick and luxurious. My hair has always been very "fine" in texture but, there used to be allot more of the individual follicles. Now, if I were to grow it long, I would just look like one of those Old Perv's in Hollywood tryin' to score an ugly young chick with nice breasts. I look terrible in leather pants and I know it. Besides, Young Chicks these days (most of 'em, it seems) have nothing between their ears. Yea, sure their "stories are shorter" to quote Neal Cassidy, but I've not met one Gal in her 20's-30's that can name all of The Beatles' real names. While the proposition of screwing the consciousness out of some young "Hippie Chick" (besides that I HATE the smell of Patchouli) has a certain attraction, what to do "afterward?" Smoke weed and watch cartoons? I don't smoke the shit anymore and modern Cartoons are just Right Wing Propaganda. Consider the Power Puff Girls or Teen Avengers, Power Rangers, etc.. Pure Dystopian Horror Stories with X-Ray Vision and/or Time Warping, Super Powers. And lots of meaningless nut-kicking n' stuff. "Ow, My Balls!" I'll take Bugs Bunny and Rocky and Bullwinkle over that shit, any day.

I may NEVER have been truly "cool" to begin with. I've heard it said, more than once with no prompt, that: "I'm kind of a cross between a Hippie and a Punk." I think those people got it right. And, as such, I never gave a crap about "being cool" for the obvious reasons. Being part Punk, I wanted "Anti-Cool" and as a Hippie, I just didn't give a fuck. I was/am/will always be "weird." If that's not "enough" for ya', I don't care. I am "comfortable in my own skin" and that's pretty much what matters to me. If you find it interesting, fine. If not, there are lots of other people in the world to talk to. Go find them.

I decided to listen to some Devo on the Sennheisers (There, I'm "cool.") this morning. I just "felt like it." I started with the usual anti-hits. Satisfaction, Whip It and Girl U Want, etc.. Now, I'm just letting the songs "play through." Pass me on the fourth hole and go try the nine iron out. I have always liked Devo. Played them so much at one of the places I lived in the 80's that my neighbors truly hated me. I was just digging the sound of one of the guitars. A Guitar Player (which I am) will listen to some Other Guitar Player wank off into his amp for hours and study his chops and sound nuances. It's a "given." Then, we'll whip out our own axe(s) plug into our favorite "device" for making it loud (Mine's a Roland Workstation) and try to be creative, too. We know it makes other people crazy but, we don't care. We're chasing that mythical Dragon Of Sound/Timbre/The Tone Monster. In other words: "Getting it dialed in, just right" and walking away with a shit-eating grin on our mugs. It's allot like a kid making a turd in the toilet for the first time. "Mom, look what I MADE!" You wave "goodbye" to it, even. Wipe. Flush.

"Being Cool" is NOT at the top of the list anymore. Nor was it, ever. Homogenous emotive actions/vocalizations and dress codes, piss off. Speaking in Hipster Code, toss off into a sock slathered in hand lotion. I speak English well. So much so that people find me "suspect" because I don't speak like I have marbles in my mouth and/or drop consonants. (It's only "OK" if you're from Boston) Or "yell" when I talk. That one REALLY bothers me. I CAN FUCKING HEAR YOU! I'M TWO FEET AWAY! Like yelling makes one's point seem more important or some shit. Thank you, Desiderata. "Go placidly amongst the haste and noise. Avoid loud people..."  Point well taken, Ancient Dude.

"Dude." There's One Guy named: "Dude." That's it. Nobody else is named: "Dude."

Have A Nice Day/Piss Off, Wanker,


 https://youtu.be/jadvt7CbH1o (Auto-play disabled by YouTube) Sorry about the adverts. Not my fault. Besides, you should have Spotify or the original album or something, anyway.

Or, this: (Devo with a fresh hot wax and chrome buff-out.)



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