Sunday, May 29, 2016


I can use that line as a stock explanation/Tag Line for: "How I Woke Up Today." I have a VERY vivid dream life and it's all in Quad Stereo and HD color. It may as well be Holographic. Sometimes pornographic and definitely Grafik Graphic. As stated, "VIVID." My brain has some strange shit to work out during my sonambient moments. Sonambient? Didn't you mean: "Somnambulant?" No, I did not. Allow me to clear that up for you...

Usually, I remember the tail end of whatever has been driving my Unconscious' School Bus, Neal Cassady or Babs at the helm and some strange music going on as a soundtrack. The scenery past the windows ranges from the Bucolic to the downright Post Apocalyptic/Apoplectic. Could be Psychedelic Smiling Cows in a 2-D Cardboard Cutout field or a Post Nuclear Disaster In Smell-O-Vision, take y'er pick. My brain certainly does. It doesn't need to be asleep to be firing on all cylinders in Fantastic Voyage Mode.

Oh, The Humanity...

My favorite dreams are usually of People/Places/Things that I can no longer access via conventional means. Time being what it is and all that. Then again... Would one want to visit one's Past and /or Future anyway? There's certainly allot of shit I'm more than happy to forget and shudder to imagine happening. One of my alltime favorite movies stars Robin Williams, Cuba Gooding Jr. and  Annabella Sciorra. "What Dreams May Come." I don't think I'd want to go rescue my Wife from Hell.

I choose to remember The Good Times and forget the rest, which is somewhat Schizophrenic. Many people don't understand that word. They think it means: Multiple Personalities or something else that it does not. It merely denotes: A Disengagement From Reality. Odds are that a sizeable portion of the World's Population suffers from that condition, by degrees. I like Adam Savage's line: "I reject your Reality and substitute my own." Bingo! Diagnosis. (He'd be in some Trouble if he truly did act out that tag line.)

...Right here in River City...

Now, "Fantasies" are quite another thing. I dig Fantasies, The Most. To paraphrase Gidget. "Oh, Daddy... Surfing is simply The Most! When you're riding that wave and..." as Gidget attempts to "explain" the rush of wave riding to her Square Father, while using her bed as a surrogate "Wave." I've dreamt that Godget quit fooling around, take off that flowered Bikini and allow me to have my way with her, a hundred times. Maybe that's weird. I don't care. Most of the Boys I grew up with dreamed about "having their way with" the young Ms. Fields. Not the Cookie Lady, but, Sally. Debbie Fields is a whole 'nuther story. I met her a few times while I lived in Park City, Utah and she was fairly scary. I knew a Gal that worked in her then Corporate Headquarters. I have no idea where Debbie's C.HQ. is these days. I do like her Chocolate Chip with Macadamia Nut Cookies though. She may have sold the Corporation to ConAgra by now. Who knows?

Anyway... If you thought I was going to bust out the story of Last Night's Strange Dream, you boofed. They "belong" to me and that's where they're staying. For about a Million Bucks, I'll write the Screenplay and you can watch the Psychiatrists lead me away in a Straight Jacket when the movie's over.  

If dreams interest you, you think Hell might be A Colossal Funhouse, just enjoy Robin Williams or whatever, watch the movie. It's a filmmaker's Wet Dream. Pun intentional.


Carrie Snodgress, Alice Cooper (The Band Onstage), What's-His-Name (whom I can't stand to watch):

Dennis Dunaway Interview:


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