Sunday, May 22, 2016


Hey, don't blame me for that one, it was Neil Diamond. It's one of the few Neil Diamond songs I actually make it all the way through before feeling a bit nauseous. But, I'm kind of like that with allot of "Mainstream" Artists. They have one or two items in their quivers that touch me and I'm "gone, gone, gone." I suppose another example would be Glenn Campbell's "Wichita Lineman." He didn't write it, of course, but, he made it a #1 Hit. Jimmy Webb actually wrote the song. Glenn recorded it in Nashville with the Studio Band "The Wrecking Crew" which included Jim Gordon on drums. Anyway, it's a "good" Country song and has been lauded as "the first 'existential' Country song, ever." Which is probably "why" I still like it. Another great Country song I can still make it all the way through is "Gentle On My Mind" which Glenn also sang into the top of the charts.  That gem was written by John Hartford with a banjo accompaniment. I actually like the Hartford version better.

Anyway...Solitary Man. That's kind of the tone for the day. Been sitting around playing LP records and making a pot of "something like chili." More like Goulash, by the time I finish with it. Listening to "Mars Hotel" right now. "Panama Red" just finished. Next up will be Moby Grape or something equally groovy. Garcia's first solo recording will be in there somewhere too. I haven't listened to some of these records in a couple of years. The Internet and all its' Streaming Music is just so "convenient." At least, playing LP's gives me the satisfaction of knowing the guys in the bands got paid. Most of my collection is second hand, in that, I didn't buy it "new." Thrift stores, garage sales, you name it and I was there wading through stacks of LP's. I just plain: "Like the way LP's sound." Yes, there's a HUGE difference between them and CD's/Streaming Music. Especially if you have a good turntable and stereo, which I do. A Yamaha DC Servo Direct Drive Table and good Amp(s) & Speakers. Ask any of my neighbors.

I, like many people my age I would suppose, (I'm 61, going on 62 in August), have developed a certain appreciation for "time spent alone in contemplation and/or busying myself with some Artsy Project or whatever. Not that I'm a true Hermit or anything. I just feel 100% comfortable "in my own skin" and don't favor the "Haste and Noise" as much as I did as a Kid. True Friends are counted on fingers, instead of Facebook "Likes" at my age. Conversations are based upon interest in a subject rather than Social Homogeneity. No, I don't want to think like you think, but thanks for asking. I feel "sort of" included.

Got a call from the Bernie Sanders Camp awhile ago. Urging me to vote for the man, of course. I told the kindly Volunteer that I had already written in the Senator from Vermont on my California Primary mail-in card. Agreeing with my younger Brother that: "If I had to choose between Hillary and Drumpf, I'd write in 'A Ham Sandwich' before voting for either of those Nincompoops." No more Political Dynasties! No more Booger Eatin' Idiots with Evil Henchmen in tow!

O.K., now the S.F. Giants game is on. Time to let the rest of "Garcia" spin out and turn the sound on to the TV. My Guys are playing well and today's game with the League Leading (both Leagues) Chicago Cubs is an important game to watch. Nevermind that it's not even June. I'm a Giants Fan, period.

Solitary Man:

 Gentle On My Mind:

Campbell and Hartford doing the tune together:


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