Wednesday, January 7, 2015

$400 for a "Ticket To Ride"

If I had $400.00 to waste on a boxed set of albums that I mostly already own in Monaural, this would be it. Then again, I would probably just spend the moolah on baseball caps and guitar strings.

So. Apple bring this out just before Christmas. huh? 14, 180 gram, Mono Discs. Now, don't get me wrong...If you're too young to remember this music coming out in Mono and/or are one of those slobs that picks up albums with your Cheeto-ladened thumbs all over the grooves, then, this is the thing for you. Better yet, just buy the CD's, because you already "don't care" about this stuff. As previously mentioned, I already own most of this music, in original Mono. And, a fine MOTR turntable, a Yamaha Natural Sound, direct drive, DC servo, kind of affair. Yea, it needs a new Ortofon LM-15 cartridge and stylus but, the low mass AD cartridge/stylus in the arm still works just fine.

As an added plus, you can already get ripped off buying counterfeit copies of this set. Chinese? N. Korean? Who gives a shit? They're fake and about half the quality.

Also: "What's the point of listening to this music in Mono?" you may ask. The "point" is that The Beatles prefered Mono. They would have NEVER made a stereo album, if it was up to them. It wasn't.

Sit back, crank up the computer, run it through your amp(s) and dig this stuff the way it was supposed to sound. Use headphones for the Full Effect. Or, if you're NOT The Cheeto's Kid, go out and buy the boxed set. Whatever.

Went to the Doctor yesterday. I like my Primary. She's pretty, funny and actually "cares" what kind of medical care I receive. She's a PNP/PN, not a Doctor, which I really like. Her P.A. used to work on F-18's, which is pretty hip, too.

"Doctors" are usually thinking about whether or not to have their Porsche Cayman detailed tomorrow, what the chances are of boffing their Nurse/Technician/Assistant/Patient, etc., or fantasizing about what kind of $50.00 meal they're eating later on. Nurses, on the other hand, actually care about their charges, eat at home and drive Subaru Wagons. I'll take a Nurse over  a Doctor, any day of the year. Better yet, a U.S. Navy Senior Corpsman. A cute, funny one, please. With an Assistant that builds Dragster Engines or something in their spare time.

Clean Bill Of Health, slightly less blood in my arteries and veins upon leaving, and 10 pounds lighter than my last visit, which I found odd, after The Holidays and all that. B.P. 120/76, pulse, 76. Not bad for a 60 year old former Lighting Designer that took lots of dope and ate Road Food for years. (The Good, Homestyle, Truck Stop Stuff, though) Not that I get all nutso over stuffing myself full of pie and candy during the Halloween-Through-New-Year's-Consumer-Fest. If anything, I go "simpler" and reflective for about a month. Then, I simply can't wait to viscously rip the head off of a dark chocolate Easter Bunny...

Plus, the weather was shitty anyway. I stayed home allot. It flooded something awful Downtown. Highest tides of the year and lots of rain in a short time-frame.

Weather Report:

I have a T-Shirt with a similar Today's Weather design on it.



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