Saturday, January 10, 2015

No Evil Deed Goes Unpunished

Conversely, no Good Deed goes unrewarded. "Quid illud circuit venit circum."

My last post violated one of the Cardinal Rules of the purpose of this here Blog Thang. It was worth every word. I "promised myself" that there would NEVER be anything "Political" about this rag. I stepped over that line with both feet, legs, balls and fully awake brain cells I have on loan. All two of each. (That's Self-Deprecation In Action.) Then, I went "somewhere" and purchased a Je Suis Charlie T-Shirt. Whom, by the by, made light and ridicule of pretty much EVERYBODY,  but, was: "Just An Artist." I'm sure ALL the Really Famous Artists In The World, have nearly lost their heads or genitalia (or whatever) at certain times in their careers. I will wear the shirt with complete humility backed by a firm belief that Freedom Of The Press, Speech and Artistic License are all Sacred Principles, not to be Fucked With. Speaking Truth, One T-Shirt At A Time. There is something both incredibly LAME and simultaneously POWERFUL in those words. Is the media the message or vice-versa? You'd have to ask Marshall McLuhan. Or, is he dead or something?

I wonder what Hunter S. Thompson would have to say about this debacle. He'd probably get drunk and start discharging his .44 Magnum at "whatever twitched" for an afternoon. "Get Drunk?" He always was.

Most of these guys are dead now, too. Bummer. They were The Real Deal. This is from a live show in San Bernardino, years back. I wonder what that was like for The Ramones. They'd be allot more comfortable in a dive bar in San Pedro, would be my guess. Not that Berdoo doesn't wear it's pants backwards every so often, have lots of suggestively violent tattoos and engage in gang rumbles or anything. My Mom lives nearby (sort of) in an albeit Wonder Bread version of the "East Of Eden" suburbs of both North County Sandy Eggo and Lost Angel-ness. It ain't San Bernardino though, by any stretch of the imagination. Gated Community Trailer Park, kinda' place. "Nice" but, you can still get your Grandma-Mobile stolen.

Alright, back to Original Subject. I wander. Allot. I decided to edit yesterday's post. I wrote while outraged, which was a mistake. I'll let The Music do the talking. besides, giving Press, of any kind to violence, is just fanning the fire(s).

I must admit that I haven't been watching the T.V. Newz to see whether or not the Paris Brie and Perrier Gendarmes have caught up with the Deranged No Funny Pages For You Brothers that wiped out an office full of cartoonists yet. They will. As The Flying Spaghetti Monster is my witness, they will. Personally, I think a nice, action packed tour itinerary to, let's say, Walpole, The Julia Tutwiler Prison For Women in Alabama, Rikers Island and San Quentin de Tarantino would be fitting. For starters. Punk Rock Concert to follow. None of that Nancy-esque Trance Pop Shit. Who understands French People besides themselves? Personally, I find "most" Frenchies to be haughty, full of themselves, smelly and rude. But, that's mostly because I was a waiter in some rather nice AMERICAN restaurants. You could almost "count on" getting stiffed by them, until I started writing, en Francais, "15% gratuity not included" on the backs of my tickets. Some of them got angry, others thought it was creatively "cute."

Back to the matter at hand and,better yet... No Sort Of Infamy For The No Cartoon Bro's At All. Just a quiet afternoon of being locked in a small closet full of REALLY ANGRY HORNETS with a 10,000 microgram dose of Sandoz LSD for them would suffice. Nice thought but, it'll never happen. We're too damned Civilized for such wanton Barbarisms. It's A Fucking Shame. Why? Because the only thing that is EVER going to put fear, REAL FEAR, into these Cave Dwelling, Psychotic, Booger Eating Morons, is FEAR ITSELF! Unbridled Evil, up close and personable like.

I am done with this subject. The En Deutsche answering machine message is back on the phone. No, I'm not a Closet Nazi. In fact, my Family (Maternal side) is Bavarian. Ashkenazim. "Teddy Fucking Williams Hits Another One Right Outta' The Pahk!" My Dad's side is Northern German, wannabe Vikings. Not a Frenchie or a Middle Easterner in the bunch. I do have Hazel eyes though.

Ye'r Pal (and mine),


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