Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Cleaning House And Washing Clothes

Hey, so long as there's good music to listen to while it's happening, I don't care what kind of drudge I get involved in. I was, ostensibly, going to go somewhere and look at some variety of Apartment Building Trainwreck with a friend but,it ain't happened yet and it's 13:15 hours. No sweat. There's always "something to do" around The Anchovy Rancheria. If not, I'll invent "something."

Found some new music on Spotify today. A band called: "Cry Of Love" out of Raleigh, N.C.. Bluesy, Southern Rock-y, Understated, worthy of a few listens. Some of the band now plays with other guys/bands, a couple of them going on to play with Sheryl Crow, which means they know my acquaintance, Wally Ingram. One of the COL Guys went on to what's become: The New Lynerd Skynyrd. Anyway, virgin listening while cleaning/washing. They're pretty hip.

I only have a few "set in stone" rules for the music I listen to. 1. Are the players proficient at their approach to whichever discipline/style they are playing in? 2. Are they all on the same page in the ledger? 3. Can I understand the lyrics if they're singing? 4. Are they original or a copycat band/performer? If these basic conditions are met, I'll listen to the stuff. Unless Gangsta' Rap or That Fake Reggae Shit creeps in the back door. I tend to favor Blues Guitar Oriented Rock And Roll. Funky, Bluesy, Jazzy, Progressive Rock, Technically Perfect Music, Classical, Singer-Songwriter Stuff, Some Country, Some "Western" (So long as it's not that "I Fell In Love With A Sheep Since You Left Me, Honey" shit.) Or patronizingly awful, Knee-Jerk, Faux Patriotic Crap that makes me want to scream: "They Took Our Jobs!" a'la' South Park Rednecks when I hear it. You know of whom I speak. I give no truck to Booger-Eatin' Rednecks. Yea, I own a Dan Wesson Special in .44 Magnum too but, I ain't takin' it into a Chuck E. Cheese joint on account of I have a small dick or like to scare children. (I have a regular, Bavarian/American Type Dick)

Scaring Kids? It's Just Wrong. Period. You were a Kid, I was a Kid. We scared ourselves enough without any help from the Peanut Gallery.

Washing my Uber-Groovy Taylor Guitars Levi's Type Jacket today. Found it, of all places, in a thrift store in Iowa City, Iowa. $5.00. Taylor usually tosses one in if you buy one of their High End Instruments. I don't own a Taylor Guitar. It's a great jacket though. Really nice, heavy embroidery and solid construction.

I DO own a 1959 Magnatone Lap Steel in Emerald Green "Mother Of Toilet Seat" (Pearloid. The stuff they cover drum kits in.), a 1940's (actual date unknown) Magnatone/Dickenson Lap Steel in sculpted Naked Redwood (Same Slab P.U. In Epoxy) and a 1996 Korean Made, Epiphone Custom Shop, "T.V. Yellow" Les Paul Junior that plays and sounds better than The Original. In MY opinion, anyway. It has a P-100 pickup instead of the noisier P-90 most guys like. Quieter, more range and expression. Less "punch" but, we can fix that with a simple amp setting and/or Stomp Box. I own 1 "box." A Boss PS-3, Digital Delay/Phase Shifter/Stereo Octave Splitter kinda' thing. One of the Best Stomp Boxes, EVER. Boss replaced it with three separate boxes, later on. I "condition" sound through a Roland Workstation and then amplify it. The P-100 wakes right up and smells the coffee. The Magnatone screams like a Banshee and growls like a Bad Guard Dog On Acid.

Back to Drudge...

This one made #1 on Billboard in 1993:

Live, 1994:




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