Saturday, May 30, 2015

Falling Asleep Too Early Or...

...Becoming A Creature Of The Night/Early Mornings.

Lots of times, I fall asleep too early. It's both an escape mechanism and/or I'm simply "tired." Sometimes, it's spicy food, other times it's a weird dream. Still other times, I just have to take a piss. Or, sleeping gets boring. The last one, I'm just "making up." Sleeping is way too cool to get boring.

Yesterday was mostly boring. I didn't bother to write anything, it was so boring. My neck hurt (slept wrong), I had menial chores to do and went over to the neighbor's house, to let her know that I was going to get some wood from her and would be in her backyard. I used to talk to her Husband, before he passed away. He used to come stand by the fence between our places and smoke cigarettes. I'd amble over and shoot the shit with him every so often. He had been a U.S. Marine during Korea, a Communications Technical Sergeant, I think.

My building recently reverted back to its' previous owner's possession and he had been over in the neighbor's yard putting up some bracing for his old leaning fence. I wondered if the Gal was still using her woodstove or fireplace and asked. She has a fair amount of well cured wood stacked up and I mentioned to her that if she wasn't going to use it, I'd like a few pieces to use for camping trips. Just enough to burn small "Indian Fires" for a weekend. I don't make "Huge, Raging, Bon Fires" while camping. Just large enough to keep warm or heat up some water for coffee or tea. Anyway, I got some wood and put it in a large milk crate to be stored in my little cubby that comes with my rental. The Neighbor Lady asked if I would mention to my 83 year old, retired High School Teacher Owner Guy that he'd forgotten to paint one of the surfaces on the braces he'd installed. I'd do it myself, if I knew where the paint is.

My Uncle, a 95 year old former Fighter Pilot during WW2, jumped out of "a perfectly good airplane" on his 95th Birthday this past month. With another guy holding onto him, of course. I sent the video out to some of my friends, being rather proud of The Old Bird. He earned that moniker. He was a "Bird" Colonel in the Army Air Corps, later to be the United States Air Force. At one point, he commanded 6,000 men, in Vietnam. He also was a P-47d Pilot, a Base Commander in S.E. Britain, First Waver on D-Day, fought in Korea and then Vietnam. Hal "Point Rolled" a B-17 with a General in the back, which he almost got "Court Martialed" for. (He "rolled every aircraft he ever flew," which was allot of planes.) Hal also worked for Strategic Air Command and at The Pentagon. My Mom's older Brother. He retired to start his own Company and do consulting work. He's written three books. I am the proud owner of a Draft, spiral bound, of one of those books. Still: "Up and At 'Em" at 95. Wow.

Uncle Hal:

Gnarly, huh? Nice: "Slide Into Home Plate!" Good on ye', Buddy.

As a much younger man, then a Major in the 506th, Winkton, U.K.:

What will I be doing on my 95th Birthday? Taking a Dirt Nap, Probably.

03:00, Saturday. What else is there to "do" on a Saturday morning? Type, drink coffee, smoke cigarettes, watch videos/TV, fart around. Kurt Vonnegut was of the opinion that that's why we're here. "To Fart Around." Hal knew/had met Kurt at a Writer's College in Iowa. Somewhere West of Iowa City, if memory serves.

Get busy, folks. We're "Burnin' Daylight."



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