Friday, May 22, 2015

Let's Bury The Turkey and "see if it grows."

So. I have decided to just bury the Bering Star crap and get on with my Bad Self to other frontiers. The story is only interesting to me, probably.

Today, in Grist Magazine, a blurb-ish kind of news featurette I receive once a week in the Inbox, there was a piece about a Family Of Idiots being confronted by an Actual Nature Lover because the FOI was defacing a railing with their "Name Graffiti" in a State Park in Oregon. Deschutes National Forest to be exact. I made a few "comments" using one of many alternative venues for spew and venom via email. I read. Allot.

The Family Of Idiots were actually "defending their right to deface the railing" because it was "Their Park, Too." Huh? Let me share a quick anecdote. For any of you that have worked in or near a National Park or other such Recreational Area, this is an Old Yarn and quite common...

I was standing on the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park when a "Fat Guy In Bermuda Shorts With Black Socks And White Tennis Shoes" tossed a soda can over the guard wall and into the Canyon. I approached him and asked: "What did you just do?" He couldn't remember. I reminded him. He didn't see anything "wrong" about tossing said soda can into a National Park. "It's j'es a big ole' hole inna' ground, Son." I corrected him on his use of the moniker, "Son." I told him he could refer to me as a National Park Ranger. (I was lying) I furthermore explained that he ought to haul his 300 lb. ass down into the Canyon and retrieve his trash. There was a recycle bin about 50' away, as well. He started mumbling off some excuses and apologies while explaining that he "couldn't possibly haul his immense girth over the Canyon Wall and get the can. I concurred. I asked him if he'd prefer the $1,000.00 fine instead. More stammering. His bulbous Kids were eyeballing the ground. His Wife was pretending to take photo's of something in the other direction. I stepped back and took his photograph. I explained to him that, since I was "off duty" I'd have to go find someone in uniform to deal with him. He offered me a bribe. I declined. I told him that I felt like I had shamed him "enough" and reminded him that these are Public Lands, NOT YOUR Public Lands/Garbage Can and was going to "let him off with a warning." I then climbed into the

Anyway, this kind of stuff goes on, every night, every day, in ALL of OUR State and National Parks, on BLM Lands, National Forests, etc., etc., ad infinitum. The ideology seems to be: "The World is OUR garbage can and we paid for it so..." Fucking Idiots. Ya' just can't fix: "STUPID."

I have "Done My Time In The Trenches" raising funds for most all of the easily recognizable names in the conservation and environmental field. The whole alphabet soup of people saving The Planet from morons, a dollar at a time, a day, minute and second at a time. It was a viable alternative to being in the Army or what have ye'.

Things to do, people to eat. Squawk To Ya' Later,
-Doc "Tree-Huggin' Sumbitch" Anchovy

Another fine recording (with a fine full combo, no video, just good music.):

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