Saturday, May 16, 2015

Spring Cleaning, Volume 2

I "started" Spring Cleaning about a month ago. Now, I'm digging into the marrow of the matter. The actual, physical act of "throwing things away" that I either: "Haven't used and/or touched" in six months. The brain, heart and penis stay though. The hands, too. Eyes, etc., you get the picture.

Today's mission is to attack the bedroom closet with fervor and zest. I have, for too long, used it as a catch-all for dying or dead electronics, clothes I haven't worn in years, luggage (which I'm keeping) and various items of fishing gear, camping gear, old shoes, some 100 year old Redwood that I salvaged from a shack behind a Mexican Restaurant in a harbor, many years ago and continue to make shelving and such from (and needs to be in my storage unit), about a mile of electronic cables that may or may not be useful to myself or somebody else and probably a few "surprises" that I've completely forgotten about. You get the idea. Some of that crap needs to play a Contestant on: "Meet The Dumpster." In the case of electronics, it needs to be responsibly recycled/re-purposed. There are some "boxes" from purchases I have made and had shipped. They can go to the storage cubby as well. There may or not be a dead computer monitor and CPU in there, too. I'd like to build a set of shelves in the old door frame between my apartment and the one next door, as an afterthought. "Why" there is still a door frame in the closet, I have no idea. We'll find out today, at any rate, what stays and what goes.

When it's all done, I get to vacuum. Yay! I'm sure I will find some things that have been unexpected and make even more work for myself in this process. Boxing up stuff, etc..

My Pal, let's call him: "Jim," is going to be in town today for his Daughter's J.C. Graduation. Two year Dental Assistant Certificate and perhaps on to a four year school. He's excited and wants to work in a visit to Uncle Doc's Rubber Room along the way. We were neighbors about 14 years ago and talk on the phone often, I watched his kids grow up, all that Happy Crap. It'll be nice to see the guy.

I should get down to where he lives and hang out for a weekend or something. Visit the Old Digs while I'm at it, catch up on the local "color" there and see what's changed and what's stayed the same. Being the old, burnt out, Fishing and Lumber Town that it is and given that the New Economy is now Tourism and Retirement Real Estate, lots of things have "changed." I moved when I saw all the former "coming." I also simply "outgrew" the Town. I'm a City Kid at heart and when I get bored I find "all the wrong distractions." Use your imagination. I'm in the process of "outgrowing" this little 'burgh as well. My next move will be to go back Up North. Away from the hustle and bustle, haste and noise, towards a good fishing hole and the Pastoral Life of "Country Living," again. I would like to face the fact that I'm 60 years old and it's time to: Slow The Fuck Down. Find some new passions and do some serious work. Instead of wanking into a keyboard to keep myself amused. I "know how to write" and haven't been doing it. This is a Journal, a Diary, a Communications Tool and a device with which I commit memory to print. Nothing more. It's not making me any money, either. They're just "Stories" and "Musings."

So it goes,

Down The Road+:



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