Thursday, December 4, 2014


Today, would be my Father's 85th Birthday. I would like to make it to 85. Fat chance. Then again I my just, "Outlive everyone I know." Another Bon Chance full of over-cooked "roll the dice and bacon gristle."

Tomorrow, would be My Wife's birthday, if she were alive. It's still her Birthday. Sentimentalist that I am, It will be celebrated. God Loves a man that isn't ashamed to cry. Tugboat Skipper on a river style.

I have a chest cold. The phrase: "About as much fun as a Drano enema,"comes to mind. Coughing up a Geoduck @ 01:30 is worth a D-Ticket (all the shitty, no height requirement rides) at Disneyland. No bruised ribs or hot towels covering my head over a steaming, Vick's Vapo-Rub filled sink or the like. Just coughing up the Oyster Auf Der Nacht. The term: "Blowing" (Not the "Dead Bear" kind) takes on new connotations. There's medication for this condition. I use it. A cough suppressant and mucous breaker-upper. Brandy doesn't hurt much, either. A: "Memory Block." It also acts as a mucous desiccant, fluid thinner. Yay! Brandy!  

I'm a T.S.O.A.B. though. Tough Son Of A Bitch. Got the paperwork, pain med's, t-shirts, tattoos, and ball caps to prove it.

I have a theory: "God takes care of those of us that have seen fit to have had bad accidents." It may or may not be true. I may be simply be: "One of those mutants that tend to heal well." Either way: "Nothing a brand new haircut and a couple of shots of good Brandy's won't fix." I Love my barber. She's chock full of good conversation/jokes/etc.. Short walk home to the Brandy and a nap. All feel: "Finer than frog hair."

Watching: "The Mission." Jeremy Irons, Robert De Niro. A redeeming tale of a Jesuit Missionary and a Spanish slave trader/Conquistador that experiences a change of heart. Both are good roles for them. A Robert Joffe' film. Well worth the 2 hours. Had I not already mentioned it: I LOVE film. 10 hours of a trilogy? I'm "there." Especially with a fresh haircut, bacon and eggs...Maybe blueberry pancakes and poached cluck-cluck embryo or three. As a plus, it: "WILL KEEP YOU ALIVE!" Mo' betta' than de' alternative. Dying sucks. In quick-step.

Get sick? Eat twice the food you usually do, make soup with lots of shlicken broth (Jewish Penicillin) in it. Drink lots of fruit juice. Don't forget the soup! Ever. It shares well with your Friends, The Neighbors, whom may also be "sick." Brew it up to more than 180 degrees. Kills All The Bad Stuff upon hand-off.

-Doc (A-Llama-Ding-Dong)

That's a weird image, huh? Ungulate Weiner. (Ew)

"Oh, Well." Bob Welch style:

I've worked for Fleetwood Mac, a few times. Both the original band and the awful "Lindsey Buckingham/Stevie Nicks" versions. My personal favorite lineup was the Peter Green/Danny Kirwain stuff." "Hi-Yo, Hi-Yo-Silver." The band was originally monikered: "The Fleetwood Mac Blues Band." In Honor of Mick Fleetwood and Christine McVie, or John, take y'er pick.

Now, it's 06:00. Hopefully, no more pulmonary seafood episodes. The last one was: "Just Bitchin." More about that theme, later. Jerry Josephs. Little Women, Jack Mormons. It all goes: "Downhill From There." Or, you can just youTube the heck out of his name.


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