Wednesday, December 10, 2014

That Which I Shall Not Do

Follow a post about my Meine Liebe, Mutte' post, with some hack piece about items in the news that I find: "troubling, hideous and disturbing." It will be enough to simply mention the Alphabet Soup of Agencies involved in the brew-ha-ha and let it lay,  fleas and all. However, it will, briefly be mentioned that I would like to: "read the full report." Take a powder, Dianne.

And now...For the Weather: "It's HOT! DAMN HOT! Hot enough to do some Crotch-Pot Cooking." O.K., so I stole it from Adrian Cronauer. I'm, at least, a creative word thief. I think. I could be wrong an' shit. Like it matters. I was: "changing the subject." Nothing more or less.

My Buddy, let's call him: "J" (another word burglary and ostensible Government Coverup) sang the virtues/taste of/nutritional possibilities of/ something he decided to call: "Hotdog and Potato Soup." I found myself somewhere between nauseous and actual vomiting. I have been known, every-so-often, to eat a hot dog. My All Time Personal Favorite is the: "Off-The-Street-Sabrett-Dog" with the kitchen sink inclusive, in/on/anywhere near the bun. Read allaboutit, if youse guys dunno the difference between Flatbush and Flushing. It's a $5.00 Hot Dog, and well worth it. Pepto Bismol/Bromo Seltzer you're going to need. Or, my "cure":

"One dark beer, followed by warm water with a teaspoon of baking soda, stirred, not shaken."

Better Yet, (For the All-You-Could-Ever-Possibly-Eat-In-Your-Life-Diner):


Maybe it's a Hot Dog Drone Launcher...Or, a Gigantic Wiener Whistle of some kind. Possibilities abound. Imagination encouraged. Who the heck knows? I only know that I wouldn't be caught next to a Long Island dumpster wearing one. Dead or just taking a whiz.

Anyway...The hotdogs one may buy from a cart on most main drags in NYC, are great! So long as they're a Sabrett. Nathan's? Too salty for ANY DAWG. It's an NYC/Alaska hybrid joke.

Salty, yes. Nathan's, nicht.
-Doc "Hot Dawg" Anchovy (Now, I MAY actually vomit. Hot Dogs and Anchovies? P.U..)


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